Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Five Ways to Thank Your Customers

Every year we celebrate National Small Business Week in late October with events geared towards encouraging entrepreneurship and growing our existing business community. So how do small businesses become successful? Ask any entrepreneur and understanding your customer and offering excellent customer service are keys to success. In this edition of AirdrieNOW.5 we share five ways to thank your customers for their loyalty and helping your business succeed.

  1. Thank You Letters
    Write a personal thank you letter. Low cost and highly effective, a thoughtful and unexpected thank you letter will certainly make an impression.

  2. Referral Rewards
    The ultimate compliment from a client is providing a referral. Airdrie businesses are very cooperative and share referrals often. Acknowledge and reward client referrals with discounts on future purchases or with a quick note.

  3. Host Events
    Host an event (customer appreciation day, new product launch, special guest) at your store or office. Offer special pricing for customers during events to ensure return trips.

  4. Gift CardYour clients will remember you when you redeem your gift card to coffee shops, restaurants or other local shops. For extra community benefit consider partnering with another Airdrie business and send eachother's gift cards.

  5. InvitationsAll clients are important but sometimes it is important to reward your top clients and spend face-time developing the relationship over lunch, at a hockey game or over a coffee.