Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tell Us What You Think, Really.

Next week, the City of Airdrie's first-ever Business Satisfaction Survey will arrive in your in-box (that is, if you are a licensed, Airdrie-based business). We at Airdrie Economic Development couldn't be more excited. Each day we work hard to learn more about our business community to help it grow and thrive. This isn't an easy task... and it's one we don't take lightly. This survey will collect the benchmark data we want, and need, to help build programs that will ultimately support Airdrie businesses.

And, the timing couldn't be better. With the tremendous business growth we've seen in Airdrie, this is an opportune time to get the pulse of the business community and ensure we continue to offer a good environment for businesses to grow and thrive.

But, we don't have to wait for the official survey results to come to start talking about the Airdrie business environment. Let's start the discussion now...

What do YOU think about doing business in Airdrie? (Really, we want to know.)
